
June 2023

Scorpio, it's time to renovate your house or office to create a space that satisfies you in every way. Your desire for a physically comfortable, technically advanced, and positive working atmosphere is strong, so make the necessary effort to achieve it. Consider investing in labor-saving devices to streamline your efficiency. At the same time, there's a pull to revisit your roots and origin, creating a strong foundation in your family life and self-confidence. Being mentally active and intensely personal, you'll enjoy new acquaintances and friendships, especially those that stimulate your intellect. You have the potential to mediate conflicts, so use your diplomacy skills to create harmony. With countless ideas bouncing around in your head, be mindful of scattering your focus and instead direct your energy towards presentations and intellectual tasks. On the physical front, accidents may occur due to impatience or distraction while driving or working with machinery, so stay alert. Embrace this opportunity to grow and showcase your creativity.

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