
love - August 8th - 14th

Problems and bad-mouthing in your social circle throw you off kilter this week. Though it may initially seem like a bad thing, stepping beyond the usual boundaries of your life could be a real adventure. Now is the right moment for some reinvention -- face your fears and draw up confidence from your spiritual depths. This phase has the potential to introduce some more romance into your life. You need only go out there and see what the world has to offer.

Love is a struggle for you this week. Affairs of the heart pull you in all directions. Try to heal the cracks in the ties that bind. Spend some quality time together and plan for romance and passion. Competition may be inevitable right now so plan your strategy for it. Take things in stride and let go of ego. Trying a new method of dealing with relationship difficulties may make all the difference now. Your focus should be on how you handle what you receive. Work to gain a deeper understanding of that special someone. Remember that the goal is not to find a perfect person but to understand an imperfect person perfectly.

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