
Horoscope 2021

  • 2021 is a year of ups and downs, lows and highs and new beginnings.
  • Spiritual sojourn is in the cards. You may find yourself drawn to looking inward and you may tend to take a dive and seek the inner self, leading to a phase of introspection. The meaning of your existence and the validity of your choices will be contemplated and questioned.
  • Singles can expect the arrival of new love. This will be a passionate liaison with lots of energy and youthfulness.
  • Expect fluctuating and unstable cash flow. Try to put your expenses in line with your income and make a wise use of extra money that you may grab as opportunities arise. 
  • Your goods and belongings, assets, property, house, cars and even your smartphone are in focus — transformed, exchanged and upgraded.

Money may be on your mind as you deal with legal matters or a sudden repair or illness in 2021. Don’t feel too bad about dipping into savings. That’s what it’s for. Trust in opportunities ahead. You may need to acquire a new skill set or brush up on an existing one but if you are open to new learning you’ll be able to seize interesting chances as they arise. Get out and be with people if you are feeling careworn and lonely. Many opportunities for happiness await you. If you know what you want it can be yours.

Though conflicts of various types surround you in 2021, it is possible to risk above the fray. Don’t get pulled into arguments that don’t involve you. This is especially necessary in the workplace. Leave the drama alone and adhere to the routines and habits that have helped you earn success. Others note your calm and resolve and admire your determination. This is especially the case for those who depend on you, subordinates or those you supervise and mentor. Continue to be the voice of reason and a good example. Your interest in true service makes you the enemy of no faction as all depend on you.

You may feel your path to success is blocked by enemies at present. You could use more support and less conflict. For that reason, reach out to family, including distant relatives you haven’t seen in awhile. It would be invigorating to catch you and be in the company of those you are wholly interested in your well being. You have to decide how much time and energy you are going to give to outpacing competition. Is the conflict really worth sacrificing your usual routines and schedules? Self discipline, including putting on blinders to distractions and bad habits, will win you the most admiration and progress.

You could be feeling cut off from others if you have opted out of the high stakes chase. Rather than chasing after ego driven glory, be attentive to what matters most. Be good to those who depend on you in the workplace and at home. Treat subordinates well, including when giving feedback or instructions.

Finally, you are in an nostalgic mood, ready to reconnect with your personal past. Revisit a setting of great personal importance. Travel to a family home or a childhood landmark. Going back to tie up loose ends is wise. It will help you move forward. Don’t underestimate the cares and concerns an elder is experiencing. Do all you can. The help you offer could just be advice with a renovation or purchase. It’s time to make changes. Those could be changes in a relationship or in the choices you make about profession and spending. Face the past and you’ll be ready for the future.

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