
love - October 2021

Now is the time to stand up tall, hold your head up high and really believe in what you have and what you want. With so much going on in your life right now it is the least you can do for yourself. If you’re with someone, your partner might very well accuse you of subscribing to the what’s mine is mine and what’s ours is mine philosophy.

Your monetary needs are coming up and the burden of what to do is close at hand. If anyone can spot a manipulative tactic, it’s you. And yet, people at home or work likely suspect that it’s you who’s making the power-play. Take your time and strategize. Hasty decisions will only result in bad outcomes. Evaluate all of your assets before coming up with a plan, including your property, rentals, investments and even cash transactions. These are all important aspects that you should look over.

Now imagine it isn’t money you’ve discovered, but a new talent within you. Now all of this could also mean you are too busy with your own personal issues and tend to overlook your love relationship for a while. Stand up for what you feel is right but do it with a humble presence. An increased ego or overly too much pride will hurt you in the long run. Step forward with a sure and strong footing, but do it with a level head.

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