
October 2021

A time when you will truly need to "walk the talk", stand by your beliefs and convictions. You will have a lot on your plate and most of it will pertain to money — both for immediate needs and future gains. Financial matters become important or at least the main focus, but good moves have to be thought out. Property and possessions, rentals, funds, investments, and even cash transactions. There may be profits or income from property, land and real estate. Don't try for fast cash or the quick buck. That doesn't last and can give you a sense of false security. In fact, you might just be barking up the wrong tree in terms of career or personal gains through sheer pride or ego. Back your own judgment, but do so with caution and restraint. You know instinctively what works best for you. Just go ahead sensibly, keeping your own counsel as far as possible.

You have a tendency to act and reflect automatically, and you could come across as an "open book" now. It's a favorable time for solving problems and to work on improving your skills. Circumstances are such that you need to become accustomed to communication or travel. You tend to say what you believe now. Keep in mind that what you say or write now has impact, for better or for worse!

There is a marvelous closeness built up with parents, older people, in-laws, who might not always approve of your eccentric and strongly different opinions. This month, you are especially fond of the life of the home and family. You are more receptive and gentle on a romantic level, and tend to be sentimental or nostalgic now. Loyalty and sensitivity in your relationships are more important to you than typically. You might focus on ways to earn money in or from your home. This is a calming influence - a time when simple pleasures most appeal.

Mental expansion and great intellectual growth comes to you now. You wish to, and do, broaden the vistas of your mind in terms of acquiring new skills, learning the latest in your field of specialization, information technology and even wisdom. Both the scope and thrust of your activities may undergo a startling, but pleasing metamorphosis. It is socializing and your public image/persona that will be so important.

You may tend to show-off what you have and own, and you could be trying to demonstrate your worth to others using money and possessions as the means to do so. You will exert extra energy to secure whatever you feel you have earned or deserve. Conflicts might occur over issues of rights and ownership. Some of you might face setbacks in their earning potential, affecting both income and the resources you’ve been able to rely on, in the past. This is a time when impulse buying is at a peak.

You are tending to be really clear-cut, straight and to the point in all of your interactions. You now do exactly what you think, and in fact are inclined to be aggressive, pushy, or perhaps sarcastic. Your mind is very active now, so this is a good time to streamline your efforts into intellectual or mental work like planning, programming and may be driving speedy vehicles.

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