
career - March 13th - 19th

Some disconnections or change has landed you in a completely new environment. You may face some opposition but you will also find new opportunities. With some care and diplomacy, you will be able to pitch your ideas well at meetings and presentations. Before you make a big decision, especially one involving a contract or sale, talk things over with your adviser or significant other. Make time for leisure with friends and loved ones, enjoying a sporting event or other entertainment.

You are feeling expressive and inventive right now. Before your air your ideas, formulate your words with care though. You need to sell your plans to others. Others will be entertained so have confidence in yourself. While you are in this creative mood,formulate some plans to spend quality time with loved ones, children or a romantic partner. Try a new recipe, do some traveling, or take action on an idea you've been postponing. You are eager for a fresh intellectual pursuit and feeling amorous too. Be spontaneous. Try a new approach. Be confidence and you'll get what you're after.

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