
love - January 30th - February 5th

You have a way with people right now. Being flirtatious in a new social environment leads to interesting contacts and networking options. Though you are in the mood to be sociable and interact with new people, don't neglect your partner. A problem may be brewing just below the surface so work your hardest to try and talk things through. Domestic issues may include renovations or repairs, at your residence or a childhood home. Make some time to get out into nature or in a setting that helps you find peace of mind.

You are at the center of attention right now and may be feeling emotionally vulnerable because of that. Reach out to others. Embrace someone who needs a hug. These little acts of generosity will make you feel better too. Cumbersome tasks are now accomplished with ease. You are feeling sensitive and enthusiastic, in tune with the world. Listen to others feedback as you share your passion with them. You are inspired by love and will be excited too. Go and grab what you are looking for!

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