
career - January 30th - February 5th

Domestic concerns, perhaps related to a repair or purchase, are likely in this phase. You find yourself call onsite to deal with professional issues such as construction complications or delays. Take a break from workplace cares by stepping outside your usual social circle. This is an ideal moment for networking so make some connection that will help launch you forward in a direction you wish to go. Avoid risky ventures that you may to regret in the long term. Instead, make carefully reasoned decisions and continue working hard. Your leadership qualities and charisma are not going unnoticed.

Those in need, both young and old, are drawn to you. Be ready to empathize and keep in mind that what you give you will also later receive. The noticeable good you do for others may give you a profound sense of accomplishment and joy. At work you feel satisfied and ready for all the tasks you need to perform. Make your case for a new idea to the right person. This plan might just help business operate better. Your home life is also busy and full right now, with quality time spent with family. Professional and personal matters will both be handled with a calm, collected mind.

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