
love - May 3rd - 9th

A father or father figure may offer and require assistance this week. Those connected to you via marriage or through friends play an important role in your life at present. They may connect you with new ideas or spiritual insights. You feel ready to embark on some new journey, either a literal one abroad, or a figurative one, elaborating new beliefs or learning opportunities. Be as cautious with money as you can and plan thoroughly, factoring in possible complications that could arise.

You are uniquely tuned in to your thoughts and feelings right now. Enjoy this heightened sense of awareness. Direct your attention to a lover, a friend or relative in need. Watch and be particular about what you give. What you offer now you will later receive. People treat you the way you treat them so offer them your best, more authentic self. Give your thoughts and passions freely. Put off making major decisions for another day. Right now, immerse yourself in your thoughts and feelings. Dare to show your true self to others.

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