
love - May 10th - 16th

The ending of a relationship may have you feeling down. You could use a simply ego boost so try out a new look. Experience with a fashion change or a new haircut. Though one connection is ending, an exciting new beginning waits ahead of you. To find it, you may have to seek out some new company. A relocation or promotion may put you among interesting new people. A boss or authority figure favorably assesses your strengths and weaknesses. This is a time for a renewed sense of self, one that will connect to you new romantic options.

Introspection will serve you well now. Broaden your perspective by embarking on new relationship, be they friendships or romances. Continue to love and care for those closest to you. You possess plenty of passion. It's just a matter of letting it show. Invest in a little extra time with family and friends. Savor special moments. It may be time to reconnect with a lost love or an old friend. Make a decisions about your future with someone important and take the next step. Emotional connection and strengthening bonds is necessary this week. Trust is the key.

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