
love - June 2023

Leo, it's time to come into your own. Believe in yourself and what you want from life. Though you have a lot going on, standing firm in your beliefs will help alleviate some of the stress. Your partner may accuse you of selfishness, but remember that taking care of yourself is needed to be able to care for others. Your finances are also a concern, but take your time and strategize – hasty decisions will lead to bad outcomes. Evaluate all your assets, including investments and cash transactions, to make a solid plan. Alternatively, you may discover a new talent within yourself. However, don't let personal issues cause you to overlook your love relationship. Stand up for what's right, but do it with humility. An inflated ego or too much pride will bring negative consequences. Move forward with a sure footing, but do so with a level head. Remember, Leo, you have greatness within you – it's time to let it shine.

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