
September 26th - October 2nd

A short trip may be in order now, for work or pleasure. You are in a creative mood, ready to take risks and explore some new possibilities. Make time for a romantic partner or family elder who may be needing some extra care and attention. Trust your intuition when it comes to making a professional decision. Diplomacy is in order, especially when navigating a relationship that has gotten tense or soured. Ending a connection may be your own recourse. Spending time with children, watching a show or playing sports, will keep you grounded in stressful moments.

There may be an immediate need to step back and rethink your course and reset your attitude to make sure you are really on the course you intended. Do not hesitate to question fundamental values in order to get to the heart of what you believe and resolve inner conflicts that may arise. By the end, you may find risk reevaluation highly useful, particularly when you depend on others to evolve into what you will lean on in the future.

There is no doubt that you have acquired — and are still acquiring - the perfect mindset to adopt this approach. The areas you have grown in have been both intellectual, emotional, so that your personal interactions register much gain. The deeper you go the more likely you will discover something of value.

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