
career - August 1st - 7th

Your worries over finances are reversed in this phase, as you receive compensation you've been waiting on or are rewarded with a raise for your hard work. A short journey is likely now. Use this as a chance to networking and further your professional contacts. You are full of charisma and communication comes naturally to you now. Sales presentations or short meetings are effective settings for you this week. Socially, step outside your usual group and you may meet people with interesting new opportunities to offer.

Take advantage of this period of heightened concentration. Solitude may be required for you to work through your thoughts. Confide in a loved one about the matters that are on your mind. Open up with friends and relieve some stress by voicing your worries. Try to relieve some of the pressures a relative is going through, as you are well acquainted with their stressors. What you give now is what you get later so offer help freely. You may be busy but you will feel fulfilled.

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