
love - Horoscope 2021

  • Enjoy serious platonic love in 2021 with sporadic moments of romance.
  • Sickness or issues related to father or father-like figures is indicated. Same goes for higher authorities, government, taxes, insurances and so on.
  • There will be several visits to medical care professionals or retreats, in-connection to neighbours, friends, siblings or father-like figures.
  • Sickness or issues related to mother or mother-like figures such as elder sisters, teachers, aunt is indicated.
  • Unlike last year, 2021 brings career success to spouse, intimate and/or business partners and likewise for clients with relocations and far off opportunities.

You’ve got big goals for family and you feel like those goals require big bucks. That may not be the case but be sure to inquire with professionals. Research on the internet and even confirm with an astrologer or a psychic.

Before you commit to any big purchase, talk it over with your significant other. It is important not just to talk but also to listen. Travel plans may need to be cancelled or delayed as you are called to assist with a loved one in need, a friend or relative in a personal or health crisis. Be generous with your time and affection. Shower your special someone with simple pleasures such as food, music or heartfelt words. You don’t need to spend a lot of cash to show how sincere your feelings are. A gift given now, even a small one, will be long treasured.

You need a reality check in some of your relationships. It’s time to get vocal about a concern or fear that has been weighing on you. Gauge the response of your significant other. How important are your worries to your partner? This will tell you everything you need to know about the well being on your relationship. You need to be calculating and step back to get some perspective. If you can’t get that perspective yourself, ask for the advice of someone you trust, someone you know will be completely honest with you.You have a lot of responsibilities you need to judge, some of which are professional and other personal. Your relationships could feel overwhelming as you are asked to help out a loved one, maybe a sibling or cousin who is going through some distress. Be generous but not beyond what you can comfortably afford to offer in terms of time or money. To get away from the cares of relationship havoc, enjoy the simple things in life.

You are feeling on your own, maybe involuntarily, as if those who you rely on most are not being attentive. Rather than dwelling on this isolation, use it productively. You would benefit from time and space to look inwardly. There are life changes you have been contemplating, about relationships, jobs, focuses. Do some self assessment. Fine tune your personal goals. To get out of your own headspace, engage in charity work and tend to those in need. Rest and recharging emotionally and creatively could connect you with new spiritual insights. Be ready to let go off the past. Learn from mistakes and move forward.

Don’t let the weight of a conflict stop you or delay you in your work or your relationship. You may be stymied by feelings of competition. Envy is rooted in insecurity more so than a breach of trust. Be attentive to those who depend on you. Helping out a loved one in small ways is more of a help than you know. Your very presence remedies the feelings of isolation and loneliness someone dear to you is combating. Be a good listener and your partner or spouse may open up and express a worry that has never been aired before.

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