
career - September 13th - 19th

This is a time of seclusion and perhaps even withdrawal for you. You need time and space to deal with issues surrounding health, be it physical, emotional or spiritual health in need of repair. Look to connect with new spiritual insights to guide you. Travel or engage in some fresh course of study. Charitable works could also be centering and uplifting for you in this phase. Career transformation is a possibility now though it might require a gamble and even a temporary monetary setback in order to achieve your goals.

Real material rewards await you now. After all your hard work you can savor some overdue prestige and power. You are finally recognized for all the effort you have been putting in. Invest wisely; don't gamble away recent gains. Get rich quick is not a real possibility. Prevent a major loss by remaining sensible. Don't chase cheap emotional thrills. A peaceful stance at work will help resolve any conflicts at home as well. Being calm will see you through a turbulent but rewarding week.

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