
love - June 7th - 13th

Problems in your social circle throw you off kilter this week. Though it may initially seem like a bad thing, stepping beyond the usual boundaries of your life could be a real adventure. You are charisma now, ready to charm and attract, perhaps even connecting with someone special. Try out a club or activity you've been eyeing for a long time. Now is the right moment for some reinvention. This phase has the potential to introduce some more romance into your life. You need only go out there and see what the world has to offer.

You feel satisfied with your work performance now and eager to sharpen your skills even more. Your peers and colleagues admire your dedication and are drawn to your confidence. In contrast to your professional life, personal affairs may be more complex. Staying or leaving in a romantic relationships may be on your mind. Courageously face the difficulties you are experiencing. There is no easy out. Dedicate time and energy to working out what's troubling you. Change may be good but running away from your current situation is not the answer.

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