
love - May 10th - 16th

The keeping of a secret could compromise the staying power of your romantic relationship this week. Be honest. Trust your inituition and open up about a sorrow or setback you have faced. Your feelings of stress or humiliation would be alleviated by seeing how much your partner cares for you and your well being. Make heatlhy decisions, including when out on the town, living it up. Some new opportunities are headed your way but first you need to let go of something else and make peace with change.

You feel satisfied with your work performance now and eager to sharpen your skills even more. Your peers and colleagues admire your dedication and are drawn to your confidence. In contrast to your professional life, personal affairs may be more complex. Staying or leaving in a romantic relationships may be on your mind. Courageously face the difficulties you are experiencing. There is no easy out. Dedicate time and energy to working out what's troubling you. Change may be good but running away from your current situation is not the answer.

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