
career - May 10th - 16th

A sudden loss or disconnection may be causing you stress and confusion. Monetarily, some sudden unearned income, perhaps via an inheritance, comes your way. Talk with an agent or expert about how to best invest this money. Don't fall for any risky ventures. Take care of your health now, researching wellness ideas and making appointments with doctors or counselors. New opportunities await so get yourself physically and mentally prepared to make the most of them. Plan a little leisure time with those closest to you to show them how much you care.

You are logical in your approach to work and finances right now. Being realistic about your undertakings is critical. Don't allow yourself to get distracted by other things or interlopers. Picking up some new skills would help lead you to new opportunities. Apply a fresh set of organization on your work environment and you will find your mind clearer and your attitude refreshed. You are feeling efficient about your duties now. With the right outlook, even the most mundane task can be fulfilling. Put your best foot forward and your efforts are guaranteed to be positively assessed.

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