
career - September 26th - October 2nd

A real estate purchase or problem may keep you grounded this way, delaying or complicating travel plans. Lay the groundwork for some new work venture, being careful not to engage in overly risky speculation. Try to balance your income and expenditures to buy yourself some peace of mind. A caregiver or mother figure may need your help with a repair or vehicle trouble. Be willing to delay some plans to set things right at home.

Those in need, both young and old, are drawn to you. Be ready to empathize and keep in mind that what you give you will also later receive. The noticeable good you do for others may give you a profound sense of accomplishment and joy. At work you feel satisfied and ready for all the tasks you need to perform. Make your case for a new idea to the right person. This plan might just help business operate better. Your home life is also busy and full right now, with quality time spent with family. Professional and personal matters will both be handled with a calm, collected mind.

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