
Horoscope 2021

  • On the health front, chronic and mysterious illnesses may crop up in 2021. It is advisable to take care and consult experts on health matters.
  • A change in surroundings is possible, perhaps a move or a job relocation or just domestic repairs and renovations. Pay attention to marital matters and work to resolve some ongoing conflict.
  • Your house, property, real estate and other assets including personal vehicles are transformed, enhanced and changed for the better.
  • Expect fluctuating and unstable cash flow in 2021. Try to put your expenses in line with your income and make a wise use of extra money that you may grab as opportunities arise. Focus on income through jobs and gigs.
  • Singles can expect the arrival of new love. This will be a passionate liaison with lots of energy and youthfulness.

If you believe in the dreams you have laid out for yourself you will find challenges manageable in 2021. Having a network of support at hand is also crucial. Don’t go it alone. Make relationships a real focus, with both family and friends. In new social settings, you may be surprised to find how easily and intensely you connect with others. Let your charm show. Join some new groups. Keep company with a new circle of people. This would be useful from a networking perspective. You may also get exposed to some interesting new learning about a concept or expertise you’ve been intrigued by.

With all this worldly, social excitement at hand, don’t forget to be attentive to matters at home though. It could be that your partner or significant other is feeling a little underappreciated. A small token of your love would do the trick. You don’t need to spend a lot to show how much you care.

An elder sibling or relative plays an important networking role for you. Elder siblings connect you to exciting new possibilities. Don’t close your mind to any, including some that might lead you down a unique and new spiritual path. Opportunities await you. It is up to you to adjust your outlook to be ready for them. Get ready to be thrust into a whole new social world. The fresh set of contacts will be advantageous for some changes you are looking to make in your life, both personally and professionally. Project confidence and just be yourself. Your charm wins over many and you may be surprised at how receptive people are, strangers included, to the plans you share.

Take care during travel. You need to keep a close eye on belongings in order to avoid being a victim of theft or accident. Be flexible about your plans. Some delays or restrictions could occur. Patience is required of you in many aspects of life. You need to avoid impetuous actions and decisions. Remain attentive to responsibilities that are non-negotiable. Stay the course of your own routines and you will find success. Even when celebrating victories or networking, make healthy decisions. Scrutinize your lifestyle for any habits that are costing you time and money. Objective self assessment is required. Need be, enlist a second set of eyes to help you see what you may have been missing.

Have courage in pursuing a passion of yours. Let your desires direct but within reason. It is possible to get carried away and a pursuit could become an obsession that would be damaging your wellbeing and health. Focus instead on the direction in which you are moving. Are you headed towards a new goal that has been dear to you for some time? It would be useful to get feedback from others but you need to remain open to critique. It will help you grow. Spend quality time with friends and relatives. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

A father figure or mentor plays in starring role as you attempt to make some life changes in 2021. Don’t be afraid to try out something new. Recent travel has led to a rethinking of spiritual or creative goals. Go in the direction of your passions. Make sure legal affairs and monetary realities are attended to though. You don’t want to be held back by practical considerations but you can’t lose focus on those. Be scrupulous about to whom you lend money or valuables. Travel with care to avoid an accident. Steer clear of questionable food choices to protect your health.

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