
career - March 13th - 19th

You may find yourself drawn into problems affecting a neighbor, perhaps an issue in regards to a shared property line or a structure that needs repair. Remedying the situation may end up costing you in short term but will pay you peace of mind in the long term so swallow the expenditure as a needed one. Feel free to get second opinions though and consult with banking professionals and financial advisors. Attend to domestic matters as they arise and assist a caregiver who has done so much for you, perhaps a mother or mother figure.

Analyze your cash flow now. Assess financial matter and secure your holdings. New, successful money making ideas may soon occur to you. If you've been mulling over a proposal for some time, this may be the moment to speak up. Let your company know how you can help. Remain practical now and be sure to clear determine what you want and what you need. A clear, businesslike communication with others will help you set and achieve goals. Take care of your health and check your attitude to make sure you remain focused and upbeat. Stick to what you know and deliver results.

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