
career - September 19th - 25th

A boss or father figure turns to you for support or assistance now. This is a moment of possible career transformation, as travel offers you a chance to access new vistas and viewpoints. Be ready for complications in your travel or potential delays. Invest in education and take care of your health. Research a concern that's been weighing on you. Unexpected compensation or money such as an inheritance might soon be yours. Make a sound investment with that extra income or use it to pay down some debts.

You're energetic and ready to take the world by storm. A demanding situation keeps you on your toes now. Get ready to work at a brisk pace. You face two challenges this week--either change of premises or transfer to a new office. While the travel involved may be minimal it will still require some adjustment. Don't lose time in needless worry. Remain action oriented. Pay attention to stressors at home as well. Deal with any conflicts that arise there, as personal issues can affect your professional performance. Keep your goals in mind and work hard for what you want.

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