
July 19th - 25th

You find yourself at a spiritual crossroads, unsure what path to choose. Make time for introspection and meditation as you move ahead. Health should be a priority now. Don't delay on making needed appointment and be cautious in order to avoid being a victim of an accident or theft. Now is a time to seek out family, especially elders with wisdom to share. Be part of a larger social group may hold limited appeal. Rest and quietude are in order so you can confidently move forward.

Your outlook on life is about to change. The environment in which you live or work may also be shifted. Attitude is everything now. Aim to be positive without becoming pig-headed. Listen to those around you and consider their perspectives. Guard against going to extremes now. This is an ideal moment for bonding in relationships of all types, including romantic ones. Partake of group activities. There is no need to go it alone. It is far better to learn how to work with others.

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