
career - January 2023

Compared to other months of the year, this is one that will have you feeling playful and inspired. It seems like an excellent time for you to tackle that creative project you have been putting off for just the right moment. This free feeling may be standard for some, but others may feel out of step.

After a time when you were very conservative, this new spontaneity and willingness to take risks may surprise you. If you were looking to ask for a raise, or invite a colleague to a dinner or event, prepare yourself and make your request. There are many different things in life you could enjoy and right now you have access to them; people, places and things that interest you are all within reach. You should not ignore any strong feelings you have during this time but also remember not to let being on top of the world make you feel like you are above the world. A surplus of confidence has ruined many good people and even during this time of high spirits you are not immune.

Just to be clear, you should avoid any high-risk behaviors which you normally would avoid but find yourself interested in at this time. You are not superman even if you feel invincible right now. There are pleasures to be found close to home which you can enjoy without making any sudden travel decisions. Have a good time with people you know to be responsible.

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