
career - Horoscope 2021

  • Cash flow remains tight, coupled with unexpected expenses and even theft/fraud. Be wise in the way you handle money as that will help you in the days to come. Try to put your expenses in line with your income. Use any extra money that you have now very wisely.
  • A change in surroundings is possible, perhaps a move or a job relocation or just domestic repairs and renovations.
  • More virtual meetings and more online opportunities — both personal and professional — allow key people to enter your life. You can find success in Mercurial spheres such as creative writing, accounts, trade & commerce, analytics, advertising and communications.
  • You may hear bad news from customers, suppliers and regulatory agencies. Business partners and even your spouse goes through a difficult phase at work.
  • Beware of cheating and financial frauds. It is vital to have a fraud prevention plan in place, especially in 2021.

You find yourself in line for additional responsibilities in 2021. A new contract or weighty assignment may seem intimidating. Keep in mind that you are being trusted with this project because you have proven yourself. That said, don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice as needed. You have plenty of exciting chances at professional advancement still ahead in 2022. Remain humble and hardworking. Others look to you as a good example. You can continue to be that good example but not losing sight of what you really want. The praise is great but the feelings of self realization will be all the better when you get to the goal posts you’ve lined up for yourself. The only real competition that matters is with yourself.

You are up to the new load of assignments but do a reality check each time to opt into a new project. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It would be best to restrain yourself to a few items that are really exciting, such as a government contract or a chance to work with a large corporation. You are going to need to be self disciplined to stay on course. You may need to brush up on a skill set or approach someone for advice. Be reasonable in the timelines you set for your own goals and accomplishments. And remember to build some rest and relaxation into your schedule too. You need to take a break every now and again and you have earned it.

Find a balance between your earnings and spendings. You may been overdoing it with a hobby that has turned into a bit of an obsession. Try and limit expenditures to what you truly need so you can continue to put some money away. Drawing up a budget would be smart and seeking the advice of a banking professional would can get you additional insight into how to make the most of your financial situation. A friend or colleague in need may reach out seeking assistance. Be open minded and offer advice if asked. Be flexible in planning travel.

You need to separate yourself from painful memories from the past. You feel as though you are reliving a mistake but this decision is completely your own. Make the decision, once and for all, to move on. Clean house. Examine goals and re-examine relationships. It may be time to let go and cut your losses. If you are feeling unheard, reach out to someone new. Get in touch with your spiritual core. Avoid risky behaviors, gambling and vices. This is a phase to prioritze healthy–physical, mental and spiritual. Doing so will put you in a good place to move forward.

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