
February 12th - 18th

Taurus, this week your focus shifts to your family, as they take top priority in your life. A sibling may reach out to you for support or guidance, so lend them a listening ear and be there for them. Keep an eye on legal agreements and formal decisions that require your attention. Remember to offer assistance to colleagues and neighbors who may need your help. However, be prepared for complications with your travel plans, as cancellations or delays may arise unexpectedly. Financial caution is advised, as impulsive spending could lead to setbacks. Avoid the temptation to splurge on extravagant items like jewelry. You may find yourself stepping into a new environment and it's important to get acclimated to your surroundings. Stay aware of any competition or potential adversaries that may arise. This is a time of self-expression, as you feel intellectually sharp and observant. Relationships play a vital role now, so make sure to spend quality time with siblings, neighbors, classmates, and casual friends. Don't be afraid to initiate discussions and evaluate your impact on those around you. While your professional activities may be all-consuming, remember to strike a balance and make time for your loved ones.

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