
career - March 2023

This month will make you want to expand your horizons. You don't want to reach for the sky, you want to widen the vistas of your very existence. People around you at work will notice your all-encompassing attitude during this time and may work with you either to help you achieve your goals or to better their own positions. Your warmth and friendship at work will guarantee cooperation from others, regardless of their own agendas.

You will reach out to people in a variety of ways, either by one-on-one contact, a phone call, email or wall post. Your friendly hand will be met in kind and you can expect the people around you will do more than nothing at all to help you in your quest. This month will focus on your goals and you should become goal-oriented now if you were not before. There are things you need to do in order to advance your career and you know what those are; now take the steps needed to put you where you want to be. Your own agenda will be strangely lively during this time and you will have many meetings, gatherings or parties to attend. It is imperative you show up at these events and mingle with the people in your field. Because your energy for making contact with others is high during this time, it should not be a difficult thing to do.

This is the time to pursue your dreams, and use the people around you to help you get where you want to go. People may be willing to help you for some consideration in the future and you should not snub these offers without some thought. Plant seeds now to reap what you wish in the future.

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