
April 29th - May 5th

Scorpio, creative expression flows effortlessly through you now, inspiring you to share your unique ideas and thoughts to captivate and entertain those around you. However, be cautious against gambling, as it may result in unnecessary financial loss. Trust your instincts, especially when it comes to relationships; if a connection no longer serves you, it may be time to walk away. Conflicts in the workplace could be a source of stress, but turning to meditation or a spiritual practice will offer solace and clarity. Stay vigilant, as new opportunities are on the horizon, rewarding your hard work. Make time for romance and quality moments with family amidst your busy schedule. Embrace your inquisitive mind; absorb information, communicate, and embark on short trips to satisfy your curiosity. Remember, reaching out and connecting with others will not only enhance your personal relationships but also bring positive shifts in your financial and professional life. Trust the cosmic guidance leading you down the right path.

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