
January 17th - 23rd

Money may be on your mind now, as you are facing with items in need of repair. Take care of what must be replaced or addressed now. A short journey, perhaps with a cousin or sibling, may be in the works now. A sense of opportunity awaits you. Enjoy a concert or play. Communication is pivotal now. Aim to listen more than you speak. Reach out to a neighbor who may need or offer assistance right now. Stay in touch with important individuals in any way possible, via email, phone or text.

You now feel most comfortable while thinking and reflecting upon things that revive past memories of security. Thus, you tend to spend much of your time in this backward, introspective, absorbing phase where you feel the safest. This is a time during which you can enjoy increased powers of concentration. You may require solitude in order to get mental work done this week. For some people, this phase sometimes indicates an especially busy and perhaps hectic period on the domestic scene.

Your memory is more retentive than usual, and your thoughts often turn to personal matters, family, and loved ones. Some of you may think that the needs of others are holding you back, particularly those of family and dependents. You might particularly enjoy discussions about your early life, the past, or family matters during this phase. Your mind often wanders to domestic concerns, and issues surrounding your home, family, and personal past.

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