
May 10th - 16th

You find yourself in attendance at a number of meetings now. Some may be to discuss your work performance. Expect to shower with glowing results and to enjoy some rewards for all your hard work. A promotion or a rank is likely. Use any additional earnings to help tie up some unresolved matter caused by recent shortage of funds. Be attentive to the state of your relationships now. Check in with your significant other. It may be necessary to have a true heart to heart to work through some conflict you are dealing with. Your leadership skills serve you well in both matters of business and affairs of the heart.

Passion, sex and intimacy mean a lot to you right now. You may be letting go of some relationships, causing sadness, but good times await you with much cherished friends and loved ones. Tend to your health to make sure it is not a hindrance. Spend wisely so you have the resources to engage in the fun you are after. You are ready for some light hearted, jovial bonding experiences. Sometimes it's difficult to approach a partner, especially if it's a long standing relationship that has deteriorated. A regularly scheduled sit down together is definitely a good idea.

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