
June 14th - 20th

A new environment beckons. It's time for a change of scenery. You are interested in connecting with something new, perhaps a new spiritual path or different career opportunity. First, make sure to tie up any legal matters that stand unresolved. While weighing an important decision, solicit feedback from a partner or mentor. Money may be tight now but exciting options await. Some additional training or education may be needed to fully take you where you want to go. Check in with family and make sure that things are happy at home as you carve a new path for yourself.

This is the time to rediscover yourself and exploring a new side of you by declaring to others the deep parts of you that you have kept hidden away for so long. Experimenting with new ways to communicate better and finding new opportunities in which you can get a fresh stand point of what others think about you and you, yourself. These new insights into your personality may cause some complicated strains in relations with close ones. You may break bonds or end up making them even strong; there is no definite outcome of this dynamic.

This week may bring into variety of emotion in you and others around you ranging from love, jealousy, competitiveness, enmity or even hate. Have patience and find chances to explain yourself calmly without too much insistence on the past. Showing your caring side may even prevent heartbreak or separation that may seem inevitable. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”

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