
April 29th - May 5th

This week, Pisces, domestic troubles, broken appliances, and petty discomforts may keep you occupied, but remember to take your time to explore new dimensions and learn new things. A potential teacher or mentor could connect you to fascinating spiritual insights, so be open to guidance. Check in with a parent figure who may need companionship or assistance. Prioritize your health by examining your food choices. Travel could be on the horizon, offering opportunities to learn and strengthen relationships. Remember that calm and self-control bring benefits to both you and your family environment. Brilliant flashes of intuition will guide you, and success in personal relationships and family life will be deeply felt. Travel and technology are favored, especially for those in media, writing, and scholarly professions. Dream big, Pisces, and believe in your ability to accomplish great things. Plan with confidence and take inspired action.

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