
September 18th - 24th

Pisces, this week your spiritual side will be calling out to you. Seek guidance from a mentor, psychic, or astrologer who can offer you additional wisdom and insights. Take time for romance and express your deep feelings to that special someone who holds a place in your heart. A decision made during this phase could be the key to unlocking personal and career transformations that you've been yearning for. It's time to walk away from what no longer resonates with your true self and seize the opportunities and good fortune that lie ahead. Your mind is not focused on practical matters right now, but on broader visions and ideals. You are open to expanding your knowledge base and may receive communication from or connect with someone far away. Engage in deep philosophical discussions and ponder the bigger picture. Although you have many commitments and appointments, stay focused and be a priority manager rather than a time manager. A plethora of experiences and opportunities will come your way this week, so be sure to savor and make the most of each one.

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