
career - November 28th - December 4th

A new environment or surrounding, for personal or professional reasons, offers you a needed respite from work stress. Your executive skills have been duly noted at recent meetings and conferences. Authority figures offer rewards and recognition for your continued efforts. It may be time to sign significant paperwork, finalizing an important deal or partnership, maybe with a government agency or large scale corporation. Talk all decisions over with your partner and closest companions.

Real material rewards await you now. After all your hard work you can savor some overdue prestige and power. You are finally recognized for all the effort you have been putting in. Invest wisely; don't gamble away recent gains. Get rich quick is not a real possibility. Prevent a major loss by remaining sensible. Don't chase cheap emotional thrills. A peaceful stance at work will help resolve any conflicts at home as well. Being calm will see you through a turbulent but rewarding week.

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