
love - January 17th - 23rd

You are entering the most sociable time of year with lots of potential parties on the horizon. If you are on the look out for a possible love interest, this is the best time of year for it. A family member, maybe an uncle or elder sibling, may offer you a connection to a new social life this week. This phase is an ideal one for networking as many are drawn to your charisma. Flirt, have fun and you just might meet someone new. Be attentive on the homefront, as domestic troubles involving a theft or accident, could be a source of stress. Focus on those who offer you regular meaningful support.

You are in need of some quiet time and space for yourself now. Specific private matters on are your mind. Take the time you need to figure things out. Examine the past and look inward to find the answers you crave. Keep in mind though that you can't change the past. Acceptance is the only option. Let go of guilt. Your expectations may simply be too high. Know what you are capable of and set reasonable goals to most productively channel your passion. Be patient and the rewards you've been waiting to reap will soon be within view.

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