
love - April 15th - 21st

Dear Libra, the recent end of a relationship may have left you feeling low, but a simple ego boost could work wonders. Try experimenting with a new look – a fresh haircut or a stylish outfit – to lift your spirits. While one connection is fading, remember that an exciting new beginning awaits you on the horizon. Seek out new company, perhaps through a relocation or promotion, which may introduce you to intriguing individuals. A boss or authority figure will recognize your strengths and weaknesses, propelling you towards a renewed sense of self and newfound romantic options. Focus on your career and professional goals, as this is the time to project a strong and controlled image to the world. Be mindful of how you present yourself and your ideas to others, as public perception is key. Embrace honesty but also choose your words thoughtfully to avoid unnecessary judgment. Stay true to yourself and don't give critics any fuel to dampen your shining spirit.

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