
career - November 22nd - 28th

A momentary setback may be weighing on you now. It may be necessary to trim back on expenditures at the present in our to keep your budget balanced. Consult with banking professionals or financial advisors to see what fixes they can offer. In the meantime, look for simple and inexpensive ways to increase your feelings of self worth. Try out a new look or hairstyle. Strike out on your own and give some long held plan a try. A change of scenery would do you a world of good right now.

This week you may have the chance to double or triple your output at work. Your natural curiosity and talent with words serve you well. You are able to multitask and keep in touch in various forms (phone, letter, email). Avoid information overload or getting too exhausted. Tackle real problems, not ones you create. Being practical minded will allow you to succeed. Relax some of your rigid views on things and be open to reversing your opinion on matters. Get to know new people. Life will be busy but exciting now!

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