
career - May 2024

In this month, dear Libra, the cosmic energies align in such a way that you will find yourself embracing a sense of playful creativity and inspiration unlike any other time of the year. It's the perfect moment to finally dive headfirst into that creative project you've been harboring in your heart, allowing yourself the freedom to explore new avenues of self-expression. While this free-spirited feeling may come naturally to some, for others it might feel like a departure from your usual rhythm, especially after a period of conservatism. Embrace this newfound spontaneity and willingness to take risks; whether it's asking for a raise, extending an invitation, or simply indulging in the things and people that bring you joy, the opportunities are abundant. However, amidst this wave of confidence and high spirits, it's crucial to remain grounded and avoid succumbing to hubris. Remember not to overlook your responsibilities or engage in risky behaviors that could jeopardize your well-being. Instead, focus on finding pleasure in the simple joys close to home, surrounded by those who ground you and lift your spirits. Enjoy the exuberance of this time, Libra, but do so with mindfulness and a sense of balance.

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