
career - April 15th - 21st

This week, Leo, you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a recent accident or injury, requiring substantial time and effort to sort through the resulting complications. While navigating these challenges, be mindful to avoid unnecessary workplace competition and instead focus on your reliable routine that serves you best. Your dependents—subordinates, children, and pets—rely on your efforts, so prioritize nurturing these connections. Consider giving back to your community through volunteering or charitable work, as it will bring you a sense of fulfillment. Embracing your spiritual beliefs can provide valuable guidance during this tumultuous time. Reach out to loved ones for support and companionship to alleviate any feelings of loneliness. Address any lingering past issues and confidential matters swiftly, while maintaining caution in your communication both at home and work. Release feelings of guilt and let go of relationships that no longer serve you, while staying confident in your abilities and embracing personal limitations. Remember, this too shall pass, and soon you'll emerge into the spotlight with great success ahead.

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