
love - March 13th - 19th

Problems in your love life are causing you distress. You may feel helpless in the face of a loved one's adversity or be forced to keep a secret about a setback or mistake. Gaining some distance from your usual social circle would offer reprieve and the opportunity to get perspective. Look for a resolution for some guilt you are feeling. Make improving your relationship an earnest mission. A boss or authority figure may surprise you now by confiding in you more than ever before.

You are in tune with the needs and desires of others this week. You are able to interpret very subtle signs, ones others may miss. Plan some financial investment, gear yourself towards some specific goals, look towards a love affair you've been pondering. You are both sensitive and approachable right now. Connections will be forged over conversations so don't avoid any of interest right now, even if the subject is controversial. Life now resonates will an unfolding sense of purpose. Share your ideals and heart with someone and you'll most definitely receive the same back.

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