
love - January 17th - 23rd

Problems in your family or social circle may be pulling you down now. Rest assured that these obstacles are temporary. A legal resolution may be reached over an injury or accident. Look to family for advice and relief, especially an uncle who have insights to offer. You find yourself wondering where you stand with people this week and wanting more information. Seek this out via conversation and be sure to attend to your own health through some much needed self-care in the meantime.

You are meticulous about decision making right now. Whether it's home life or dating, you are ready to thorough analyze the good, the bad and the ugly. You leave nothing out, also being sure to contemplate how those around you are impacted by your choices. Open up with someone close to you, someone you have a history with. The conversation you have will help you on the right path. Talk will illuminate answers -- at work, at conferences, or at coffee shops. Your words will inspire others as well as back up the conclusions you reach now. Give yourself to others and they will reciprocate. Nothing new can grow unless you let go of the past. This includes a relationship, present or past.

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