
August 2022

It might be a good time to make a thorough scrutiny of the real you, an honest assessment of your face, figure, health and assets and seek to implement a make-over where necessary. The truly intimate and personal you, needs to be examined minutely and where there is room for improvement, positive action be taken. You’ll need to establish good working relationships with colleagues, subordinates and bosses as well. It's NOT a time to challenge the system! Stress and neglect both need to be guarded against too. A time for introspective self-assessment with a degree of honesty and objectivity. That way lies contentment, success, happiness — any or all of them, and it will come from your own changed attitude.

Personal and social contacts may be mysterious, and there can be secret love affairs, or at least very private love feelings and longings. Shyness can lead to some seclusion or romantic frustration. Attention to subconscious romantic and sexual dreams and desires comes to the forefront. Perhaps it allows you to play out certain fantasies that you are unable to play out consciously; when your whole being is completely aware of the consequences. Try to sustain a balance between inner and outer world.

You are intent on pushing forward in your career and professional status. Conflicts with those in authority are possible now. You may pour more energy into self-promotion or business/career activities. The desires and ambitions along these lines are unusually pressing. You will take a great amount of initiative to further your personal career goals and to make important strides in your overall life direction. You could find that your talents or services are especially in demand now. Don't, however, let your enterprising nature get interpreted as aggressiveness or insensitivity.

Emotions may burst up into arguments that work against your own best interests. Be prepared, and walk sympathetically. It would be wise if you could avoid taking sides at this time. You could be taking things quite personally now, and something that someone says or does now can easily irritate you up. If this is the case, it would best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time.

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