
Sunday, January 23rd

You may be feeling disconnected from a spouse or significant other right now. If so, make time for a romantic outing and a chance to be together. Work may be a source of stress or confusion. Make plans for the future that will assist in your work. Time the night off for recreation or creative pursuits. Compassion, warmth and care rule your heart today. You positively influence others around you. They appreciate your creative approach. You may need to travel and will make new connections as you go. Soothe worries in sharing work and space with others. There will be a need to keep in touch -- on the Internet or by any means of technology possible.

Like minds and hearts gravitate toward you and you know that together as a team you could rule the world, or ought to. An excellent moment in time to make big strides, conquer new ground so you'll be in ever better position when the situation is less ideal.

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