
career - September 19th - 25th

Construction concerns may make professional life a bit of a headache now. Weather the storm by looking for some inexpensive recreation with friends and colleagues. Join a group or participate on a sports team. Take a class to brush up on some existing skills or to acquire some new ones. Family, your own or your partner's, may need your help with a repair of home or vehicle. Make new purchase on sound research, without taking any risky chances. Your talent for diplomacy will help you keep the peace.

You are in a phase of constant growth and change. Being direct and motivated about your goals has helped you get to the place you are at today. You are in a good position financially, personally and professionally. You now enjoy a sense of calm and satisfaction. Be aware of competitors who may not wish you well. Focus on family and loved ones. Making sincere efforts to accommodate others' feelings will serve you well during this phase. Doing for others makes you feel better both emotionally and intellectually. Others enjoy your company as you exude confidence and kindness.

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