
career - June 20th - 26th

Make all financial decisions with care during this phase. Enlist the support of banking professionals. Voice concerns via private consultations. Travel plans may be complicated now or possibly delayed. A problem with a colleague, neighbor or sibling could end up being your problem as well and costing you money. Be careful with valuables, especially jewelry. Blow off some steam with simple pleasures such as music or art that cost little but offer you a much needed emotional outlet.

If you need a favor or wish to communicate a desire make sure you speak up. Clear communication is essential now. Let others hear your point of view. Now is the moment to make some big financial decisions. Your heightened ability to connect with others will assist you in your decision making. A pleasant conversation at work may lead to a new arrangement. Network to your own advantage now. Writing, speaking, forging new relationships all come to you with ease. Small gestures can add up and may have a big impact on your future. Talk to people, find out where your work can have the greatest impact and dig in!

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