
August 2nd - 8th

Opportunities await you as you are tried and test at work and pass all evaluations with flying colors. Others notice your managerial talents now and your astute communication skills. Celebrate with a short journey to somewhere restive or by taking in a concern or show with loved ones. Even as you enjoy the rewards and recognition you receive now maintain a close eye on your relationships. A break-up or complications with someone close to you need to be faced. Spend money on needed home or car repairs now rather than putting those matters off.

Those in need are drawn to you. Younger contacts may look at you as a mentor now. Take time to empathize deeply. It will make you feel good about the world and about yourself. You are euphoric at the moment, finding genuine joy in your work. You feel enthusiastic, even inspired. At home too you are mentally very active, making interesting changes and turning the daily grind of domestic chores into pleasure. Shared understanding and insights are to be savored now, so make connections at work and in your personal life. Your creative powers are ready to shine. Show them to the world.

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