
love - June 7th - 13th

Some upheaval in your social circle has caused you to feel stressed or confused. You may find yourself mired down in disputes or gossip, perhaps some taking aim at your own reputation. Rise above the fray as best you can. A getaway to a new location for a little while would do you a world of good. Remember all that those depend on you and continue working hard. Make time for someone special, for their happiness and your own. Beginning a new project together would distract you from your current worries.

"Walk where your heart leads and you will reach where you truly belong." Now is the most powerful moment to convey a message of passion. Don't fail to act. Your emotions demand action. Follow through on plans you have been contemplating for a long time. Emotional bonding matters immensely to you now. You are able to form an intense chemistry, perhaps with someone new. Your playful, light hearted attitude towards life is noticed and appreciated by others who feel drawn to you. Make good use of this time. Let the world know about your plans. Live a life you love.

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