
love - May 10th - 16th

You may need to take a short trip now, perhaps to visit a loved one or relative in a hospital setting. Your partner's family may be going through a loss or enduring some deception or fraud. Help them get back on track by making a purchase or long term investment. Communicate well with your significant other to make sure you both feel truly heard. Email, text, letter writing or in person conversations are all needed and useful ways to connect with your partner, elders or neighbors. Meditation or the arts could offer some assistance in processing your feelings.

"Walk where your heart leads and you will reach where you truly belong." Now is the most powerful moment to convey a message of passion. Don't fail to act. Your emotions demand action. Follow through on plans you have been contemplating for a long time. Emotional bonding matters immensely to you now. You are able to form an intense chemistry, perhaps with someone new. Your playful, light hearted attitude towards life is noticed and appreciated by others who feel drawn to you. Make good use of this time. Let the world know about your plans. Live a life you love.

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