
career - March 2024

Gemini, compared to other months of the year, this is a time that will ignite your sense of playfulness and inspiration. It's the perfect moment to finally dive into that creative project you've been holding off. While this carefree feeling may come naturally to some, others might feel slightly out of step due to a recent period of conservatism. Embrace this newfound spontaneity and willingness to take risks, even if it surprises you. If you've been contemplating asking for a raise or inviting a colleague to a social event, now is the time to prepare yourself and make your request. Life is offering you a variety of enjoyable experiences, and right now, you have easy access to them. People, places, and things that pique your interest are all within reach. During this period, don't dismiss any intense emotions you may experience. However, be cautious not to let your elevated spirits make you feel superior to others. Excessive confidence has led many good people astray, and you too are not immune, even amidst these high spirits. To be clear, avoid engaging in any high-risk behaviors that you would normally steer clear of but find yourself interested in at this time. Remember, you're not Superman, even if you currently feel invincible. There are local pleasures waiting to be enjoyed without making impulsive travel decisions. Make sure to have a great time with responsible individuals you already know.

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