
October 2022

Recognition, rewards, greater power and prestige, even your assets, property, belongings are enhanced greatly. The time is being truly generous, and you deserve it. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this month in the year.

Your personal equations with people are directly relevant, where your sense of duty, obligation, and responsibility are concerned and you maintain a sense of proportion and stability right now. Consistency and hard work are the keywords and shall help you in accomplishing your goals. You are willing to look reality in the eye and to take accountability for your life. Your admiration for authority is natural and helps superiors to look upon you sympathetically.

Your responsibility and authority are likable qualities now, making this an encouraging period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business. You are most charismatic and well-received on the job. You are socially go-getting right now, and success may come though your good managerial qualities or some form of artistic talent, or, indirectly through your spouse. People who turn your head are those who come across as especially competent.

Play, enjoyment and pleasure help to strengthen and develop relationships, conflicts will be nipped in the bud, not allowed to escalate and threaten your hard-won gains. Harmony and true family bonding continue to grow. A greater flow of understanding and communication draws both friends and family closer. Small advances can be made in business and in partnerships.

It's an excellent time to take care of your health. You might decide to change jobs, and if your work has not been fulfilling in the past, then initiative to make changes should be taken. Such a situation left unchanged could easily result in health problems, just as it could to routinely overwork oneself. Undesirable job pressures may lead to depressions and injuries. Your services may be in demand and you could make some important strides forward. A situation on the job or with your co-workers may seem to be all consuming of your energies, and some review may be in order.

You would have access to much needed help and resources. There is a possibility that now someone (an elderly, mature person) will show you the right way. You want to focus on real accomplishments and avoid merriment and distractions. Self-control and self-discipline (it could be painful to some of you lazy lads) are required of you at this time, but fortunately, they yield positive results in the long run.

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